We have put together a special collection of small artworks to consider for your holiday gifting. These enticingly priced unique treasures are ready to be wrapped.
Featuring artworks by Katherine Ace, Victoria Adams, Guy Anderson, Kenneth Callahan, William Cumming, Nathan DiPietro, Lisa Gilley, Joseph Goldberg, Morris Graves, Susan Russell Hall, Paul Havas, Paul Horiuchi, David Kroll, Johsel Namkung, Jared Rue, Michael Stasinos, Mark Tobey, George Tsutakawa, & Gerard Tsutakawa.
We have implemented & are following the recommended guidelines and protocols for Covid-19, both for your and our safety. Please give us a call before your arrival at 206-622-7243. The Woodside Braseth Gallery is now open for you to visit, Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 – 6:00